Thursday, 20 December 2012

Monday, 17 December 2012

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Does Your Travel Insurance Cover You For Sports Related Injuries?

When travelling abroad for recreational sports activities, many people believe that their travel insurance will cover them for any injuries sustained abroad. Unfortunately more often than not this isn't necessarily the case and specific sports travel insurance is required. So if you are planning a trip abroad with a focus on recreational sports we highly recommend that you check your travel insurance policy to ensure it will cover all of your needs should the worst happen! If your travel insurance plan does not cover you for sports related injuries, ie if you are unable to work due to an accident, please feel free to contact us online at we will provide you with all of the help and advice you need regarding sports travel insurance, and if required we can offer you with a FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Football Insurance For Non Professionals

I am sure most football fans will remember the infamous Roy Keane crippling tackle on Alf Inge Haaland in in April 2001 It was intended to be a revenge tackle for a tackle that Haaland had made on Keane 4 years earlier, but unfortunately it ended Haalands footballing career and he only ever played 40 minutes of football after that.

Because Haaland was a professional football, his football insurance covered him for this and he was able to eventually start another successful career in property management. For those that are not professionals in their chosen sport, adequate sports cover insurance is often over-looked and lot's of people have found themselves in the unfortunate situation whereby they are injured whilst participating in their sport and realise that they are not covered 'financially' when they are unable to work.

So don't get caught out, if you participate in amateur sports, ensure you have the right cover should the worst occur.

For full details about the type of sports injury insurance cover that Sports Cover Direct can provide, visit us online or call 0845 120 6400.

Roy Keane tackle on Alf Inge Haaland: 
Image courtesy of 'Getty Images'